How does workers comp affect my health insurance?

When you’re injured on the job and your employer provides health insurance, oftentimes people are worried what happens if I lose my job, how’s that going to affect my health insurance? If you’re injured on the job and your employer provides health insurance and you’re worried

What happens if I find a new job while on workers comp?

In the state of Texas, they put a very, very high premium on people getting back to work as soon as possible. We have seen that when people return back to work as soon as possible, they actually have increased outcomes on

Do I have to go to court to get workers comp?

Most people are afraid to follower workers comp claim because I think that if they do they’re going to have to go to court and fight in court to get workers comp. Very few cases actually end up in court on a worker’s

Why is it so hard to get my surgery approved?

One of the biggest problems people have with workers compensation is getting their surgeries approved. It’s a continual problem because, in Texas, the insurance company uses a one size fits all approach to medical care. They use a book called The Occupational Disability Guidelines.

What is considered a work related injury?

A work-related injury is any injury that occurs in the course and scope of employment. The easy way to describe it is if you are doing something in the furtherance of the affairs of your employer’s business, then you’re engaged in the course and scope of employment.

How long does workers comp last in Texas?

Workers’ comp in Texas lasts the entire lifetime for the claimant when it pertains to the medical care that the claimant receives. In other words, for your entire life, the workers’ compensation insurance company is supposed to pay for all your medical pay that you need

Can a car accident be a workers’ compensation case?

Sometimes in certain situations, when you’re driving to and from work, if you’re involved in a car wreck, that is a workers’ compensation claim. For instance, people who have places of business that are frequently changing, the common example is a plumber or an air