What is the difference between a workers’ compensation claim and a non-compensation claim?

Texas is one of the few states where you don’t have to carry workers’ compensation insurance. There are employers in Texas that don’t have workers’ compensation insurance. it gets confusing because the employer may carry insurance and they may tell their

Can I sue my company for causing my injury?

Unfortunately in Texas, if your employer carries workers compensation insurance, your only rights of recovery are through workers comp. That means that you can’t sue your employer for causing your workers’ compensation injury. There are certain times when maybe you can’t sue your employer for

Can I just get a settlement and be done with it?

I get asked all the time, “Can I just take a settlement and just be done with this workers’ comp insurance company?” In Texas, you can’t do that. In Texas, when your employer carries workers compensation insurance, that protects them such that your

I have been injured on the job, what do I do?

When you’re injured on the job, the most important thing for you to do is to report the claim. Now, most companies have a lot of peer pressure on their workers. Like they’ll have some type of a policy that says if there’s

How long do I have to make a claim?

When you get injured on the job, you’ve only got 30 days to let your employer know that you got injured on the job. So it’s very, very important when you get injured you let somebody know immediately. Most kinds of personal injury cases in

Thousands of people are killed every year on the job, and multitudes of others suffer serious injuries. On-the-job injuries account for huge losses of time and productivity, but if you’re hurt at work, these concerns are secondary to your own. These injuries can prevent you from working, result in lost wages and even land you in bankruptcy thanks to high medical bills. Fortunately, there are workers compensation protections, and this is how you can become eligible.

Continue Reading What to Do If You Are Injured on the Job

Few things are worse than when you’re injured on the job and unable to continue to support your family because you’re unable to return to work. There could be many reasons for not being able to return to work, such as your employer is unwilling to accommodate your work-duty restrictions imposed by your doctor or

Each day, Texas residents drive to and from work, expecting to arrive safely. On many occasions, employers may provide either (1) company-owned transportation or (2) financial reimbursement for travel expenses using a private vehicle. Both situations would be in furtherance of the responsibilities of the job and are directly connected with the performance of the